Saturday, 21 November 2015

New Artwork

So, the hallway still has a long way to go, but I've already hung up some pictures because even though it's only small progress - it really makes me feel in my head that we are still moving forward with the room.

I got some prints for my birthday, which I had lusted after in this post, so I was delighted to get two for my birthday from my parents:

These are from HamMade, and the frames are RIBBA ones from Ikea at £7 a pop. [I've also been told that santa might be bringing me a third which is why they are a bit uncentral on the wall].

I've also hung this one, which you might recognise from one of my Motivational Monday posts.  I've got a few prints that I intend to change in the frame regularly.  I find if you keep looking at the same thing, you don't see it anymore, so I want to keep this one fresh - it's directly in front of you as you go down the stairs.

Do you like them?

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