The story of Yellow House Tales started in February 2014. My husband, Dan, and I bought our very first home together in the suburbs of Nottinghamshire. This is where we now live with our two adorable house rabbits.
For me, it was a lifelong dream fulfilled of owning my own bricks and mortar, and if that meant buying a place that needed a bit of work, that was fine with me.
I'm a very practical gal, and I certainly not afraid to get my hands dirty. My dad will put his mind to just about anything to do with DIY, so I've picked up a similar trait.
The other factor that pushed us down the DIY route with this house was the lack of funds and my inner frugality. I HATE paying someone to do something when I could just do it myself for a fraction of the cost (but a heck of a lot more elbow grease!).
I love reading other home DIY blogs, but thought I would set up my own little corner of the web, if for no other reason, as a place to document our journey. Sometimes you don't realise how far you have come until you look back (in my case at photos), so this was a great place to store all of those.
I hope you enjoy our journey.
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